Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11..A Tribute

This is a day I will never forget..Being from Long Island, New York..I live this tragedy every year.

The picture of Fr. Mychal always leaves a pain in my heart..he was considered the first victim of the Twin Towers..He was killed by falling debris while giving Last Rites to a victim.
9/11 is burned into everyone's soul..caused by hate..a hate I will never understand. A hate perpetrated on innocent victims, going to work/taking a tour/visiting the Twin Towers.
May God Bless America.

There is an article on American Thinker today by Lloyd Marcas about the Jumpers from the Twin Towers and how they are forgotten..Dear God, what brave people they were. Think about it.??? God Bless each and every one of them..

Till next time, keep looking up.


Diane said...

I think there are very few people who will forget. I know exactly where I was and what I was doing the moment the news of the first tower came through, followed quite soon by the news of the second tower. I was in South Africa at the time and we all were in complete shock even there. Keep well Diane

LindyLouMac said...

A moving tribute.