Friday, August 19, 2011

Sun in Morning Fog.

This is this mornings sun through the fog..It was such a beautiful site. No matter what is going on in our lives, there is something to always be thankful for..Was so happy I happened to look out the window and get a few pictures.

Have been missing from my blog..Worked a couple of weekends with youngest daughter at Craft Fairs..I tell you, the last one, near the ocean caused a problem for me. sore throat/cough and just a terrible feeling..nothing that serious, but surprised me, since I am not sick that often..Makes you realize how lucky you are to get out of bed and feel wonderful..something I was taking for granted..Good lesson for me..haha..

Will be visiting all my dear blogging friends, just in case you think I got lost..Till next time, keep looking up.


Bethe77 said...

Love your photos as always. I alwasy am looking for you. Sounds like you have had an interesting Summer of fun! Sorry to hear you where ill! hope you are feeling much better.
Glad you caught these beautful sunrise to share with us. As I dont think I get up early enough for them.

Gloria said...

Beautiful photos of the fog, hard one to capture. Glad to see you back, always look forward to your bits of inspiration and reminding me to look up.
Smile today. :)

Diane said...

Fantastic photos. Diane

LindyLouMac said...

Beautiful even in a foggy sky, good to have you back calling by News From Italy. I was sorry to read that being near the sea made you feel grotty, I hope it was not really the cause, as sea air should be beneficial not harmful to our health :(