Saturday, October 1, 2011

Back on Etsy

A few things I put up on my Etsy shop..My daughter and I had a shop, but we let it close, due to her baby..
Now I thought I might as well open it back up and put some of my things in
there again..Etsy is fun and anyone that has things they make and like to sell, should check it out.
Mostly, I do Folk Art and the cards are made from my old fashion illustrations when I was a student, in The Art Students League in I say about myself..Jack of all trades, master of none..but having a good time..haha..

Till next time, keep looking up.


Diane said...

I have never been that keen on Etsy and have no idea why. Seeing this makes me think I should re-think and put my homemade jewelry on it for sale. Will give it some serious thought. Diane

gr8tfulgirl said...

Nice work!!! I love the way you paint. So talented!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Music Luva Mutha. You have amazing talent!!

Bethe77 said...

Such beautiful art work! I dont think I have any artistic talent but I do love doing needle work.
Have a wonderful week.

Unknown said...

They are beautiful carolyn and I am lucky to have some of your collection hanging at my home, so I treasure them. At least you can paint..which is good :)

Elayne said...

I hope you have better luck than I... Of course your things are much nicer...