Saturday, November 5, 2011


The things I do to amuse myself..Playing catch with the moon and tree..Now you have to give me "E" for effort..So happy God gave me a gift to enjoy the little things in life..A Camera, The Moon and A Large Tree....

Till next time, keep looking up.


Bethe77 said...

Love your capture!

Chubby Chieque said...

Moonlight, romantic but I don't like when fullmoon comes. I can't sleep 3 days b4 and 3 days after fullmoon. It seems I am a trueblooded vampire §:-)

Happy Sunday. Hope you're in the best of everything.


Anonymous said...

You know what, I'm glad God gave you that camera too because you take beautiful pictures with it. xoxo

LindyLouMac said...

I am happy to be able to enjoy your beautiful photos once again, keep looking up. :)

Gloria said...

You did a great job capturing this moon...sad to see it so elusive when we are getting these clouds today, but I did catch a glimpse this morning before they really rolled in.
Smile today. :)

gr8tfulgirl said...

You know you really have become quite the photographer. I think that God knows you appreciate the beauty and sends a little something your way to enjoy.xo

Unknown said...

love your creativity and fun spirit! :)

Diane said...

Great photos, wish my cheap little camera could take pics of the moon. It just cannot cope! Diane

Jenn Flynn-Shon said...

You know I love the moon and your pictures of it never fail to inspire me! Hope all is warm and well my friend!

Bundle up and hope you have a fantastic rest of your week :-)