Monday, October 4, 2010

Evening Fall Sky.

Some pictures of last nights, fall sky..It is starting to get chilly and the leaves are turning..oh my..
Till next time, keep looking up.


Jenn Flynn-Shon said...

It seems like foliage is turning a lot earlier than usual this year. We haven't even gotten the super heavy winds that take the leaves off trees yet and already my curb is lined with crispy, orange tree parts. Ugh. After the summer we had this year even my, normally excited for fall & winter, husband is admitting it will be difficult to face the cold! I hope you're bundled up & that pictures like this can at the least warm your heart & soul this season :-) Have a terrific week!

LindyLouMac said...

I will never tire of these beautiful skies.

Chubby Chieque said...

So nice pix you shared! I love the colour combo of the sky.

So dramatic.

Hope you're in the best of everything, my dear friend C...

Miss Yah,

XUE said...

These make me think of making a quilt in similiar colours! Happy Thursday!

artsyclay said...

Oh, how beautiful! Our leaves are not vibrant colors, rather dull ... not sure if we'll get any reds or oranges this year, but the sky is always amazing.

♥ Hope all is well with you. ♥

Unknown said...

Beautiful sky Carolyn..and so sorry for popping over late, I've been so lazy nowadays. here's to a fab