Tuesday, January 31, 2012


First the sun behind a cloud, then the snow..
Even though it was a dusting..so happy this is the last day of January..even if February can be snowy, the days are longer and the sun stronger..We are edging up to spring. Thank you God.

Till next time, keep looking up


Diane said...

Lovely photos. Diane

아침햇살 said...
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Jenn Flynn-Shon said...

Ooh I love a good sepia toned photo, makes it feel historical or something. Beautiful as always.

Guess we find out tomorrow if winter will end sooner or later this year. Have a nice week & stay warm my friend xoxoxo

LindyLouMac said...

These look so atmospheric in sepia, thoroughly enjoyed catching up with your posts this afternoon.

Gloria said...

I know these are sunny shots, but they sure give me a moonstruck sort of feeling, very pretty with the snow and light. Spring is just around the corner? We can hope, putting more flower photos into frames, just to keep it warm inside.
Smile today. :)

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

These are beautiful! Just my style! Hope you are doing well! xoxo jenn