Well, off we went..I have to say, it was a great concert with many well known people there. He gave it his all and I was impressed.
We had a wonderful time and I just feel I should say a few words about Michael Jackson and his work. My daughter and I always talk about that day and what a great concert it was. So Michael, thank you for sharing your gift and bringing joy to so many.
Till next time, keep looking up.
May he rest in peace and know that no matter what, he was loved for the person he truly was.
Thanks for sharing your tribute :)
That's awesome. I'm so thankful that I got to see him perform live back in '96 during the History tour. I can't believe we now live in a world where he doesn't exist anymore :( But at least we still have everything he left behind for us xx
Its strange how I feel about this. His life was so tragicly marred with rumor and possible truth that make it hard to determine how to even think about him as a person (have to love the media!). But then on the other side is the persona you were able to catch a glimpse of, the public figure who could produce music that moved generations. MJ was one of my very first crushes back in the 80's. You are so lucky to have seen him live. Thanks for the photos & story :-)
Whatever the world said, I LOVE AND ADORE MJ...
I grew up with his music and he will live with me. He really is the King of POP, isn't he?
Thanks for giving him tribute in your blog.
Your lucky, you been to his concert.
Hope you're enjoying your days now, Lady.
You know Carolyn, I kept wondering when I will bump into a blog I know who writes about him. On the day he died, my mom called me at 7.30am and told me the news. I find it so unbelievable. He as a great performer for whatever his personal life or problem was. I always wondered why God always chose those talented people to go first. May he rest in peace, tks for the article..he was much loved.
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