Friday, September 3, 2010

Fingerprint Friday.

A cute Fingerprint from God is a Dragonfly..There are so many flying around here..They do a wonderful job at keeping the mosquito population under control..What a pretty bug they are.

I use to be afraid of them as a child, not realizing how important they are..Well, that has changed and now I look for them and try to get a picture. We have them in all sizes/colors..Here is a cute red one..A beautiful Fingerprint.
Be sure to check out Pampering Beki's blog for more Fingerprints from God..
Till next time, keep looking up.


CSD Faux Finishing said...

Ooh what a great shot! Such pretty coloring and those guys are almost as elusive to the lens as that hummingbird you snapped the other day. I think you missed your calling Carolyn, sky shots with flying creatures is your definite specialty! You never fail to impress me with what you share & how you capture it through your eyes :-) Hope you have a great weekend my friend ♥

littlebird said...

that is another lovely shot from you.
thanks for sharing : )

Vicki said...

I love, love, love dragonflies. Not only are they beautiful and quite often very accommodating when it comes to having their "portraits" done or simply being watched, but they are quite useful.
Beautiful fingerprint.

Gloria said...

Dragonflies are some of my favorite flying creatures to watch, and I used to be afaid of them too...another big bug flying around that sounded scarier than it really was I'm sure. Beautiful shot of this red dragonfly and a lovely fingerprint of God to be enjoyed by us every day. Smile today. :)

artsyclay said...

How beautiful they are and one of my favorite "bugs"! Most of the ones I've seen are green, not sure I ever saw a red one before.

xo may your holiday weekend be blessed and safe xo

Kelly said...

Very cool! Thanks!

LindyLouMac said...

What gorgeous colouring he or maybe she has.