Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Meteor Shower

This morning was the Lyrid Meteor shower..Down I came early, just to see what was happening..It was a waste of time..The cloud cover and fog, blocked my wonderful sky..It was a disappointment, but there will be others..
It is so exciting to watch the meteors falling in different places, something I never get tired of seeing.
The meteor showers in August/November are usually the best..at least they have been for me. Well, this one didn't work out, but there will be others in the coming months..Hope the weather will be accommodating . If you haven't seen one, be on the look out for the next and I promise you, you will be thrilled..I am always impressed with God's fireworks..they go all over the sky and in different sizes.

Till next time, keep looking up..


Rosihue said...

oooh I love meteors!!! Sorry the clouds and fog blocked them for you!

High Desert Diva said...

I've never seen a meteor shower...it must be breathtaking.

decadentdiamond said...

I've never seen one.. wow.. My boyfriend would love to see one, he loves all things space.

Sarah McBride said...

didnt know there was one otherwaise I would have been out on my trampoline stargazing and watching the show!

XUE said...

i've never seen a meteor shower either but just those two words conjures up a magical image! I hope to see one someday.

Andrea Q said...

I find the January meteor shower to be the best!