Next is a nice looking coat..
Pretty fancy dresses..
One is a Jonathan Logan, which everyone liked..
It is the one with the front and back shot..
Then the little jacket/dress..You have to admit, that is coming back..Next the two dressy dresses..What is funny, my sketch from school at that time is very much alike..
Had to end with a shot of
James Dean and his big movie at the time, "Rebel Without A Cause"...Pictures are a bit fuzzy..I did my best..
Hope you enjoyed a little fashion from the past...
Till next time, keep looking up...
awesome! I love this series that you are doing! It's so much fun to look at!
Always fun to look at fashion.
Your sketches would make great cards. Either black and white or water colored. Consider?
Another fun fashion post! Again, it's your drawing I like the best!
I totally agree with High Desert Diva. It's a great suggestion :)
I love your sketches! Vintage fashions can be so inspiring.
Your sketches are fantastic!! I love this blog, fun...........
When I see dresses & shrug type jackets like those I always think of An Affair to Remember and how beautiful Deborah Kerr was in the film. So stylish and elegant. Your sketch is just amazing yet again and I agree with Charmaine...get those into production!
I'm digging these cool 50s fashions!
Oh yes... a shot of James Dean is must :)
Lovely post and your sketch is amazing!
☼ Rocki
those are great -- thanks for doing a part 2!
hard to decide which i like best...i think it's audrey in the brown dress with the red purse. but they are all gorgeous. i am most inspired!~
I love them!! Your old sketches are my absolute favorite, of course!!! I've always loved 50s fashion the best. The cuts have always flattered me the best. And they are so cute!!!
Love the 50's pictures, very Audrey Hepburn? Never worn them'll figure out now that I am very young hehehe :)
I agree with HDD and Hey Harriet, your sketches are fantastic! I wouldn't mind owning one or two or... of them. :)
i LOVE that white dress in the 6th pictures down. I would so wear that as a wedding dress. Great collection of photos and those sketches are fun to look at
I LOVE LOVE LOVE those patterns and magazines. It is just so funny to me to see the difference from then and now.
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