I realize I had pictures of the Rhododendrons on here a few days ago. When I went out in the front yard, they were so beautiful, I had to put them here again..Then I looked at my poppies and there is one that is pale pink..Worthy of a picture..I was in such awe of the beauty, had to take a few more pictures and share them with everyone.
Till next time, keep looking up..
OOOH I love poppies, but I've never grown them. So pretty!
Love the flowers!!!! They are always a happy sight!! xo
I love the poppies, I've tried to grow them a couple of times but I think my soil may have to much clay - they just never take.
and thank you for the comment on my early morning post:)
What a lovely garden you have. Certainly worthy of taking photos. Many photos!
Such beautiful flowers!
Love the color of that poppy!
gosh those rhododendrons are beautiful : ) such a lovely colour.
Wow! Those are some huge bushes, and so pretty! And I love the poppies!
Wow! I wish I could look out my window and see these beautiful flowers every day. The pictures that you posted earlier of maine look inviting too.
that poppy is so pretty it almost doesn't look real!
I like the second photo. It's almost like silk in the wind or something. Very nice.
Beautiful..I have many that look just like that!
Just beautiful!
Beautiful! This has been a great spring.... Love your poppies. Maybe I'll try some.
Thanks for the beautiful pictures....lovely flowers!
my gooness..what a huge bush!! dont think we have them here :( do they grow in the heat..or maybe they do this rhododendron :)
beautiful flowers! great pictures!
They're so colorful! I haven't had a chance to plant anything this year... my porch looks so desolate. Maybe this weekend...
Thank you for checking in... I definitely need to update my blog more often. ;)
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