Here are a few pictures inside the Magazines from the 30ies..The patterns for dresses are quite interesting..Hair do is the finger wave style..
The gowns are really quite lovely..In all honesty, with a little nip and tuck here an there, could be todays style..
The kitchen is interesting and they have sure changed .The funny part is, I have a sink and stove just like it
in the barn.
The cabinet looks like a hoosier cabinet and have one of them in the kitchen..that didn't come with this house..something I had..Anyway, all of this is really fun to see and I hope you enjoyed it..Will check out other pages as time goes on..
Till next time, keep looking up...
Very fun!
I love both the sink and the stove...
These are awesome! I love the gowns ;)
Very interesting, that kitchen looks so cozy!! xo
I love old magazines. I used to spend hours looking through a Sears catalog from the 1930's at my grandfather's.
Interesting, I wonder how does one do up a finger wave hairdo...happy weekend :D
I love the finger waved hairstyles, I wish I could do it to my hair, but my hair is so thick and straight, it won't let me do anything. It has a mind of its own.
he he... feels I been there!
I jst missed you when ur in my room. Jst doing some updates for our retreat. Hope u enjoy...
Cheers for this day!
I really enjoyed looking at these old styles, the magazines are so cool! oh yes, will like to request a link exchange if you don't mind =)
Oh I love the pictures! Thank you for showing us this, Rosebud! :)
Those gowns are so elegant! Simple line but so beautiful! Love these old pics!
What cool pictures! I know a woman in her 90s who used to tell me how she would go door to door doing hair for people, and the finger weave/wave was her specialty!
So....did everyone back in the 30's weigh 100 pounds or less?? Can you see those styles on a "curvy" figure?? lol Love the kitchen, I used to have a beautiful old hoosier cupboard, sadly I don't have it any longer.
Smiles, Karen
I love looking at old magazines and ads. Just seeing how people live and what they thought was cutting edge.
I love the silhouettes on those dresses! Your blog always makes my day :-)
Love the kitchen illustration the best. I want that stove! These are fun, thanks for sharing them :)
I have a sink just like that in my kitchen...and have cooked on a stove like that one before, how those poor women did it with such large families...that's all they did...cook and clean...
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