Our Dear Hey Harriet, has her Shadow Shot Sunday..which I look forward to every week..but I do think I am starting to get carried away with it...I was taking this turtle all around the yard, getting shadows..of course talking to him as we traveled together..then I would get a hold of myself and make sure the neighbors were not watching..if he was real would be one thing, but chatting with a yard ornament..So, I put him down in a hurry and caught the tree shadow..trying to act dignified again..
Check out Hey Harriet's blog, she has started this idea and it is really catching on.
There are really beautiful pictures of shadows that everyone takes..
Till next time, keep looking up..
Carrying around a toy turtle & taking various photos of him & his shadow is not only dignified, but it's perfectly normal behaviour. Your silly fuddy-duddy neighbours need to accept that ;) You are a nut! I mean this in the nicest possible way. A fun & lovable goofy nut! Love your turtle pics!
Hey, my turtle is bigger than your turtle ;D
Hmmmmm... it's kinda cute thoughts carrying your turtle for a shot for the day shadow.
Hope you enjoyed your w/end coz a week is waiting for you to hurdle.
Hey! That Turtle makes a lovely shadow ;)
What? Doesn't EVERYone carry around turtles to talk to? LOL How cute!!
The things we do for our art...aye...but you recovered quite well with your tree shadow.
Gotta love the reptiles!!!
LOL! You did real good. All your carrying on with your cute turtle ornament paid off with a very cool-looking shadow shot. Love it!
lol, I love to visit you Rosebud, you always put a smile on my face! A wonderful, wonderful shadow shot, all of them! :D
Yeah this is a cute idea! i keep saying i'll do a shadow shot. love the turtle! and turtles are alway dignified... whether they are real or not. ;)
Perfectly normal behaviour to us shadow shooters! Your turtle and his shadows are verrry nice! :D
I love it! And, I love his shadows and I love your blog and I love turtles too! (We have one. :)) I did a shadow shot today but I may have run out of time.. I'll save it for next Sunday. :)
The turtle looks so real! I thought it was!!
I think it is perfectly acceptable that you were chatting with your cute little turtle, look at all the perfect shadows he cast for you by doing so!! Great shots as always, get as carried away as you like, love to see all of them :)
You're so funny...would loved to have been watching you over the fence! lol. Cute shots!!
hehehe Lisa. That would have been funny! I would have thought.. now this is a chick I can relate too.. or for the first time, I wouldn't feel like the crazy one in my neighborhood. ;) :)
awww how cute! so fun and refreshing! totally enjoyed your blog!
So cute ! The first photo you're thinking wow, an albino turtle ? Then you see that silly face, I had to laugh. My goodness you are as daffy as I am !!! Good for you !
Maybe they thought it was a real turtle ... it looks kind of real:)
Love your story to go with the pics! I know what it feels like to get weird looks and comments as I run around with my camera! But it's all fun!
I just had to comment on this posting because it's so darn adorable! Loved the way your described your adventures of traveling around the yard talking to a lawn ornament! Thanks for the great afternoon laugh!! All the best ~ Sharon
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