His first book, Bloodlines, was another hit..They are mysteries and the twists and turns in the books are something else. Bloodlines, about a woman and her dark secret..The Chosen Few, about a drug company..
I am not good on reviews, since I don't dare write too much for fear of giving the plot away..so you have to
read them yourselves...If you enjoy good mysteries, your are in for a treat..They can be bought at Borders /Amazon.
I realize, I am not Oprah, but you can trust me on this...you won't be disappointed.
Till next time, keep looking up..
I read it and it was awesome!!! So did my son and my daughter is reading it now!!! Read "Bloodlines" too!! Excellent books! xo
We both have books on our minds today...
Rosebud, that's usually how I buy books, on the trust of someone that has already read it and loved it! So of couse I'm going to take a look at this book, I trust you! :)
thanks for the recomendations!
Oh..tks, I'll take up your recomendation, its been too long a time since I last read :D
Thanks for your review and recommendation. I always like to learn about a good read. I'll keep my eye open for this book.
They sound great, thanks for the recommendations!
I'll check them out!
winding trails from tea and honey break to you....
love the combo of ramblings, book recommendations & photos! I'll be back and I hope you stop by and visit my blog! (Today's posting is also a book recommendation : )
Love these books! Good picks!
Thanks for the review! I love recommendations!
OOOOOOOh I love mysteries....I'm going to have to check it out! Thanks for the tip!
Thanks for the recommendations. I haven't read either of those books. And I trust you way more than Oprah! :)
Thanks for the tip!
I just felt reading ashamed over at Charmaine's blog with that long list of amazing books so I might just pick these up, thanks for the recommendations!
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