Wednesday, January 30, 2008


It is raining out and I am very thankful. I don't care for the mix, rain/sleet. Makes driving so dangerous. Really looking forward to spring..
Hope everyone is doing something positive this I said in the beginning of January, it is all about "new beginnings"..Even if you haven't started positive thoughts, it is never too late, to start something good.
Isn't it funny, how easy it is to be negative, yet hard to think positive?
Now when you get out of bed, start being thankful..Why? Well, didn't you get up
this morning? I think that is a good reason to be thankful.
I won't kid you, I have had to fight to be positive too..It isn't something that just drops in your lap, it is your choice..It took me awhile to realize that..but what a much better way to go. So now with that in mind. Till next time, Keep looking up!

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