Walking around the yard I took a few pictures of the lovely Milkweed..The smell when it is blooming is wonderful..The Monarch butterfly likes this weed and many times children find it in caterpillar form, put it in a jar, feed it and watch it change into the pupa stage and from there to the beautiful butterfly..It is such an interesting thing to watch..Next, I caught the female cardinal looking at me from the pines..Hard to see, but if you look closely you will see her. Last, but not least, a lone Black-Eyed Susan just starting to open..You know, there is so much we miss in life..
because we are too busy..This year, I am really trying to see all the things in my yard, things I just took for granted..Much of this would be called weeds..but look at that milkweed..a weed? I think not..and the Monarch doesn't think so either...
Till next time, keep looking up..
I've never heard of Milkweed, I like it!
Funnily enough I seem to love words with the word 'milk' in it, it's quite strange! Like Milkglass.
..and ironically, I hate milk, well, I could never just drink a glass of milk, it's fine in cornflakes etc though.
Nice pictures and words to go with them.
what a lovely collection of pictures! you found some wonderful things in your backyard!
The flowers on the milkweed almost look like daphne blooms...
I love that you are taking advantage and appreciating all the free and beautiful things that are right outside your door. So much to be thankful for.......
Hi there rosebud! What pretty pics! Thanks so much for thinking of me and my race! I came in just about smack in the middle...of the 12,000 people who ran! Of course the Kenyans and Ethiopians won, there were olympians running this race! It was a blast!
Awesome flower !!! Looks like a painting I did a while ago :)
Beautiful flower, never heard of it before. It's really good to slow down and see everything around us in a more appreciative way, I know I have to :)
I agree with everyone... those flowers are all beautiful!!! You do a nice job with that camera!!!
I agree, even though milkweed has "weed" in its' name does not MAKE it a weed - it's too pretty for that!
I agree, the Milkweed does smell nice! I always took thinks for granted too, Rosebud. I think the older I get, the more I don't take things for granted! :)
Your blog is always so refreshing, it's nice to be reminded of the simplest pleasures.
Oh I bet it smells wonderful!
hoganfe handbags
I didn't see the bird at first! nice pics. my blackeyed susans aren't open yet.
I feel like just doing garden pics for the rest of the summer. this really has been a nice year.
I enjoyed these lovely glimpses into your part of the world. It is easy to take things for granted & not realise the beauty in our own backyards. I'm glad you appreciate what's around you & share it with us. Visiting your blog often acts as a reminder to me to open my own eyes more & appreciate what's right here in front of me. Thanks for that!
Oh, I have a real problem with butterflies... it is not easy to explain, but they scare me to death. Love the flowers, though!! Nice blog!
Wow our milkweed has never flowered like that which is why we always got rid of it only to have the stalk break & spill its sticky white goo all over our hands lol.
With flowers like that I agree it is not a weed at all but a beautiful sight to behold! Great shots all around :)
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