Well, the roof is done..My son-in-law did such a beautiful job..He would come out on days off from work, just to do this for us..There is still the deck to change, but that will be done in the spring..Our concern is winter and snow sliding off the roof..now we don't have to worry..He built it so strong, you could ride a truck up there..The first three pictures, he needed help with the ice/water paper..It is very sticky..So hubby/daughter helped him..Wouldn't get me up there, even though it isn't that high..Yesterday the shingles were finished..I bet some are wondering what all the white is. Six tons of pellets for our pellet stove, they will be moved in the barn..Another daughter/son-in-law/grandkids will help with that job..
Well, that is the porch so far..are we pleased..
Till next time, keep looking up..
I am loving your porch and new roof. When I saw the pictures I wondered if that was you on top of that roof!
I just know you are glad it is done.
Wow, that looks great!!! What wonderful work he does!!! xo
I wouldn't have gone up there either!
Glad it's done...
I agree with you about climbing up on roofs. I will not go up on any roof. It msut be a relief to have your roof ready for winter.
I love your house! I'm with you, no rooftops for me either!
YAY!!! I feel your excitement of completion :-) Not too long ago I remodeled the inside & out...OH the chore!!
The house is beautiful and the roof looks nice and strong!
Give my BIG hugs 2 them who helped! Now, ur so much ready 4 dwinter. Jst love ur porch.
A lil finishing touches, that can as awesome as ever.
Enjoy your day, Lady!
Beautiful home, Rosebud! Thank goodness for son-in-law, he did an awesome job! :D
what a fantastic roof! It really makes your house look fancy pants!!
He did a great job, your home is beautiful!!
OH, I love tin roofs! Especially when it rains...we don't have roofs like that here.
Wonderful home and how nice to have a new roof :D
That looks fab! How lucky you are to have such a sweet & handy son-in-law :)
You have a lovely house. It looks very big! Compared to my tiny abode it does anyway!
How wonderful to have such a handy son-in-law and he did a fabulous job!!
What a nice job, and very kind son-in-law and daughter you have.
You must excuse bad englich.
Sunwarm regards from Irene
Is that a tin roof? Oh how I'd love one of those!
WOW! It looks AMAZING!!!
Great roof, and super great son-in-law!
Oooohhh, looks good! Must be a relief to have it finished!
What a great house!
We're thinking of doing a metal roof.
that looks absolutely spiffy! I must say... your home is HUGE!
I love metal roofs! Yours looks great:D
I love metal roofs, they are perfect for snow slide and I'm sure you get a lot of that up there! It looks fantastic, you must be happy to see it completed! My dad has a pellet stove too, his front hall has about the same number of bags stacked right now :) This is the time to buy them though - cheap, cheap, cheap!!
That looks great! We just got a brand new roof this past month too! Ready for all that snow again!
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