13 Delancey Street gave me this award and I want to thank her so much and for the kind words too...What I have been trying to do with these awards is give them to blogs that are a bit newer to me..so they feel the love..I won't kid you, I was going to stop blogging a few times and then I would read someones comment and it would keep me going. If you have never read any of these blogs, I hope all my blogging friends will check them out and leave a comment.
Here are the rules for the nominees: 1) Add the logo of the award to your blog 2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you 3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs 4) Add links to those blogs on your blog 5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!Kimiko611Pixie-KissesBeat BlackEtsyBlabblerPupLove10EgcgSwagNeedlesFabric and ThreadTill next time, keep looking up..
Congratulations again, Rosebud, I believe it is love being thrown your way! lol And don't you dare stop blogging, I for one would miss you dearly!
The Blue Angels in your previous post I'm well acquainted with, I grew up in a military family so we've seen them a few times. And yes, it's pretty scary and oh so beautiful at the same time to watch them!
at first when I saw your comment about checking out your blog I thought I was in trouble! haha
thanks so much for the award :) I visited all these blogs and I love being a part of your list.
Aww yeah Rosebud. You really deserve it. :) I'm off to peak at your bloglove friends. Peace!
Congrats, again!!! You are one hot tamale!
Wow! You are on a roll! Congrats!
Awwww, thank you so much! Now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside :)
Ok, this is going to make me sound ridiculously incompetent with computers (which I am), but how do I make a link to someone else's blog without the whole url showing up? How do I make it so just a name or word shows up and fits in with the sentence? Sorry :/
Congrats on your award! You deserve it! Love your blog! One of those on your list is one of my fave new blogs also (Pixie Kisses). I don't know the others so I'll enjoy checking them out. And don't you dare think about not blogging! You'd be very missed indeed! :)
Awww! That is so awesome! Sorry I didn't see this sooner! I just took a look at my blog and what a nice surprise :o) Thank you so much!
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